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In Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, (1973) E.F. Schumacher encouraged 'studying the possibilities of alternative methods of production and patterns of living so as to get off the collision course on which we are moving with ever-increasing speed.'


WorkLife® cuts through the information clutter to find up-to-date, practical work/life solutions for you and your workplace.


We promote ideas like small changes in work/life style or work hours, that can help people more effectively integrate work and life and improve workplace health and effectiveness, and as a bonus, may even help our environment by promoting changes in commuting and power consumption patterns that can reduce carbon emissions.


Work and Life is better with balance.


Research proves that strategies that promote work/life balance help attract, engage and retain top performers and improve workplace health and productivity.


The WorkLife website is a fantastic resource that mirrors what we’re seeing and hearing from work-life professionals and work-family advocates across the country.  Jessica Glen, Communications Director, Workplace Flexibility 2010, Georgetown Law, Washington DC.

Remember to
Take 5... for a cup of inspiration! 

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